SV / EN / NO
Bioeconomy Region

Business by nature

Here in the Bioeconomy Region we are surrounded by forest. This is something we have utilised to our advantage. For many years we have been processing the forest to create products such as paper, packaging, fuel, furniture and houses. This has made us a leading region of the forest bioeconomy. But the bioeconomy needs to grow, for the sake of both the climate and business. This is why we are currently running the Interreg project with the same name, «The Bioeconomy Region», to improve the competitive strength of companies, to create more meeting places and to speed up the rate of development and innovation in the region.

The Interreg project «The Bioeconomy Region» is financed by the Swedish regions Värmland and Dalarna, Säffle municipality in Sweden, the county municipalities Viken and Innlandet in Norway, the cluster Paper Province and Interreg Sweden-Norway European Regional Development Fund.