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Bioeconomy Region

A new look for the Bioeconomy Region

News 2019-02-12

On February 12, a new look was launched for the region and the project «The Bioeconomy Region». A brand new costume plainly speaking. This contains a new logotype, a new font and an updated imagery. 


-With our new graphic charter, we hope to be able to reflect our region and the activities in our project even better. Our ambition is to put Bioeconomy Region on the international map as a leading region within the forest bioeconomy, and to inspire more people to make green business deals. To make that happen we have to stand out from the masses and make our message heard, the project’s communications manager Emely Sandsjoe says.


Do you want to know more about the project’s work with communication, inform us about news, or learn how you can help us in our work? Or do you as project’s partner want to get access to the new logotype? Then get in touch with the communication manager Emely Sandsjoe via the link below.