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Bioeconomy Region

Business by nature

Here in the Bioeconomy Region we are surrounded by forest. This is something we have utilised to our advantage. For many years we have been processing the forest to create products such as paper, packaging, fuel, furniture and houses. This has made us a leading region of the forest bioeconomy. But the bioeconomy needs to grow, for the sake of both the climate and business. This is why we are currently running the Interreg project with the same name, «The Bioeconomy Region», to improve the competitive strength of companies, to create more meeting places and to speed up the rate of development and innovation in the region.


The world's largest cluster conference put the spotlight on the environment

Clusters from all over the world gathered at TCI 2019 – the world’s largest cluster conference. Belgian Antwerp hosted the conference and The Bioeconomy Region was there. The theme was sus...
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Forestry collaboration to deal with oil spills

Clearing up oil spills can be much simpler. Utilising nature’s own solutions has enabled Nordic BioEngineering to develop a bio-based absorbent that absorbs oil but rejects water. Thanks to the ...
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Student shows that the climate-smart interior of the future is 3D printed

The student Malin Fleen has created a biocomposite furniture using 3D printer. Her work hints that the interior of the future might be bio-based and far more reusable than today’s furniture.&nb...
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Paper mill’s residual water becomes food

In the best of worlds there is no waste, everything comes to use. A company that helps to realize that vision is Mycorena AB. They can use paper mills’ residual water to produce bio-based edible pro...
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Hamburgers in bio-based packaging

Ice hockey fans can now enjoy a more sustainable hamburger when visiting Karlstad, Sweden. Thanks to a wrapping paper that is completely biodegradable, unlike many other fast food packaging. Löfbergs...
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Fast lane to the market for green ideas

Swedes and Norwegians with ideas that contribute to a sustainable world can get a shortcut to the market through Bioexpress. A program that connects forest-based innovations with entrepreneurs who can...
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The Interreg project «The Bioeconomy Region» is financed by the Swedish regions Värmland and Dalarna, Säffle municipality in Sweden, the county municipalities Viken and Innlandet in Norway, the cluster Paper Province and Interreg Sweden-Norway European Regional Development Fund.