SV / EN / NO
Bioeconomy Region

People and network matter

Conference 2019-03-27

Transforming the current economy into a ‘new’ bioeconomy needs changed institutional frameworks at regional and national level, sensitive to and inclusive of place­based knowledge. This conference seeks to better understand the role of people and networks in this transition. Welcome to Karlstad 27-28 of March 2019!

New innovative products and services continue to emerge, which will further increase the demand for biomass. This transition leads to both an increased demand for land­based biomass and its multiple use. Important questions emerge: How to use the land? How can different interests be combined?

At this conference, industry, academia and public organisations will discuss challenges and opportunities and the role of people and networks in the new bioeconomy era. Overall, we need a better and nuanced understanding of the societal impacts of this transition in different contexts and for different stakeholders.

The conference  is a place for:

  • Interaction between practitioners, policy makers and academics
  • Joint reflection and development of a roadmap, strategies and policy recommendations to enable smoother transition towards bio-based economies  in the Nordic countries
  • Practitioners to learn from good business cases  and practices
  • Networking: Meet businesses, academia & policy makers working for sustainable bioeconomy transition
  • Co-creation of policy recommendations and contribution to policy briefs.

The conference will also highlight some good examples from the region of Värmland 
Forest based bioeconomy in Värmland – a diversity of actors working together. Examples from Värmland showing the work by different actors; business, university and regional authorities in collaboration with civil society, supporting a transition to a sustainable forest based bioeconomy. 
Key-note speakers from practice and science fields include: Dr. Gabriel Henrique Lui, Coordinator of Forest Economy Dpt., Federal Ministry of Environment Brazil, Prof. Pekka Leskinen, Head of Bioeconomy Programme, European Forest Institute, Thea Lyng Thomsen, Development consultant at GreenLab, Denmark, and Prof. Olav Wicken, Professor at the Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture at University of Oslo, Norway.


The registration is now open.

Conference fee: 2 300 SEK (exclusive VAT).

Last date of registration: 27th of February 2019. Register online here!

Welcome to Karlstad in March 2019!