Clusters from all over the world gathered at TCI 2019 – the world’s largest cluster conference. Belgian Antwerp hosted the conference and The Bioeconomy Region was there. The theme was sustainability.
It was the 22nd consecutive year that the global organization TCI Networks organized the large meeting place. Over three days, October 8-10, experts from all over the world gathered to share the latest in cluster development.
“It was a good context to showcase our project and meet important players in the cluster world,” says Paul Nemes, Project Participant and Vice President at Paper Province.
From the left: Monika Svanberg, Emely Sandsjoe, Madeleine Saether, Gunnar Hellerström, Sofia Nibblén Berntsson, Helene Vogelmann and Paula Holst.
The conference focused heavily on the role of clusters in the ongoing climate crisis.
“Many interesting speakers talked about the future and what role clusters have in the development. In the end, it’s all about creating business and growth without jeopardizing the environment,” says Paul Nemes.
Paper Province held part of a circular economy workshop.
“We talked about clusters being drivers in the transition to a fossil-free society. There were interesting discussions around our table,” says Paul Nemes.
Paper Province traveled to Antwerp with more project participants, such as Swedish organization Region Värmland and Norweigan municipality Akershus Fylkeskommune.
“This was one of the issues that we highlighted at the conference. That the cross-border collaboration in The Bioeconomy Region adds added value in how we tackle environmental challenges,” says Paul Nemes.